Navjot Kaur: The First Sikh Woman to Represent New Zealand at 71th edition of Miss World


Navjot Kaur is a 27-year-old former police officer who will represent New Zealand at the Miss World 2024 pageant in Mumbai, India on 9th March 2024. She is the first Sikh woman to win the Miss World New Zealand title and hopes to use the platform to make a positive impact on society. In this blog post, we will explore her early life and education, and how they shaped her values and aspirations.

Family Background and Migration

Navjot Kaur was born in New Zealand in 1997, after her family migrated from India in the early ’90s. Her parents were farmers in Punjab, who decided to seek a better life and opportunities for their children in a new country. They settled in Manurewa, a suburb of Auckland, where they faced many challenges and hardships as immigrants. Navjot Kaur’s father passed away when she was only four years old, leaving her mother to raise her and her three siblings as a solo parent. Navjot Kaur credits her mother as her role model and inspiration, who taught her the importance of hard work, resilience, and compassion.

Education and Career of Navjot Kaur

Navjot Kaur attended Manurewa High School, where she excelled academically and socially. She was involved in various extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and cultural groups. She also developed a passion for helping others, especially the youth and the marginalized. She decided to pursue a career in law enforcement, as she wanted to make a difference in her community and society. She graduated from Police College in 2019 and joined the South Auckland Police District as a constable.

She spent two years on the frontlines, dealing with various cases of crime, violence, and trauma. She says that her experience as a police officer taught her a lot about human nature, justice, and empathy. However, it also took a toll on her mental and emotional health, as she witnessed many tragic and disturbing situations. She left the police force in 2021, after her last suicide case, which was very intense and affected her deeply.

After leaving the police, Navjot Kaur pursued other interests and opportunities. She became a personal trainer, as she wanted to help people get into the best shape and feel confident again. She also obtained her real estate license, as she wanted to assist people in finding their dream homes. She says that she enjoys both of these careers, as they allow her to connect with people and make a positive impact on their lives.

Miss World New Zealand and Miss World 2024

Navjot Kaur entered the Miss World New Zealand competition in 2023, along with her sister, Isha, who also shared the same vision and values. They both had the same mindset that whoever wins between them will represent their family, community, and country with pride and dignity. Navjot won the title in a rapid-fire selection process in Auckland, beating 11 other contestants. She says that she was very overwhelmed and thankful for the opportunity, and that she hopes to use it as a platform to raise awareness and funds for various causes and charities. She is particularly passionate about mental health, youth empowerment, and women’s rights.

Navjot Kaur will travel to India next week, where she will join around 90 other contestants from different countries and regions for the Miss World 2024 pageant. The pageant will consist of various events and challenges, such as talent, sports, fashion, beauty with a purpose, and interview. Navjot says that she is excited and nervous about the pageant, but also confident and prepared. She says that she will do her best to showcase her personality, skills, and culture, and to promote the values and diversity of New Zealand. She also says that she is looking forward to meeting and learning from the other contestants, and to experiencing the culture and hospitality of India.

Navjot Kaur is the first Sikh woman to represent New Zealand at Miss World, and she believes that her representation helps to showcase the diversity and inclusivity of New Zealand to the world. She says that she is proud of her heritage and identity, and that she wants to inspire other young women, especially from minority backgrounds, to pursue their dreams and goals. She says that her message to them is to be yourself, be confident, and be kind.

Diversity and Inclusion

As a member of the Sikh community, Navjot Kaur believes her representation helps to showcase New Zealand’s diversity to the world. Her family migrated to New Zealand in the early ’90s before her birth, and she grew up in a state house in Manurewa, a suburb of Auckland. She says she faced discrimination and bullying because of her appearance and religion, but she never let that stop her from pursuing her dreams.

She says she wants to inspire other young people, especially those from minority backgrounds, to embrace their identity and culture and to pursue their goals with confidence and pride. She also wants to break the stereotypes and misconceptions that people may have about the Sikh community and to celebrate the richness and diversity of New Zealand’s multicultural society.

Community Engagement and Philanthropy

Navjot Kaur has a strong sense of social responsibility and a desire to give back to the community. She joined the police force in 2019, hoping to make a difference in the lives of the people she served. She spent two years on the frontlines, dealing with cases of family harm, child abuse, and suicide. She says she was emotionally drained by the experience, but she also learned a lot about the issues and challenges that many people face in society. She left the police force in 2021 and pursued personal training and real estate as her careers.

She says she still wants to help people get into the best shape, look and feel confident, and achieve their dreams. She also supports various charitable causes, such as the Women’s Refuge, the Mental Health Foundation, and the Starship Children’s Hospital. She says she wants to use her voice and influence to raise awareness and funds for the causes that she cares about and to encourage others to do the same.

Beauty with a Purpose

Navjot Kaur says the Miss World competition goes beyond superficial beauty, focusing on beauty with a purpose. This is the motto of the pageant, which emphasizes the importance of using one’s beauty and talents to make a positive impact on the world. Navjot Kaur says she has a personal project that she wants to pursue as part of her beauty with a purpose campaign.

She wants to create a mentorship program for young girls, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to help them develop their self-esteem, confidence, and leadership skills. She says she wants to empower them to overcome their challenges and to pursue their passions and potentials. She says she hopes to inspire them to become the best versions of themselves and to make a positive difference in their communities and the world.

Navjot Kaur is more than just a pretty face. She is a woman of substance, courage, and compassion. She is a woman who has a vision and a mission to make the world a better place. She is a woman who represents the beauty, diversity, and spirit of New Zealand. She is a woman who deserves our respect and admiration. 

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