Priyadarshini Chatterjee (Miss World India 2016): Beauty, Brains, and Heart


In the realm of beauty pageants and modeling, certain names stand out for their exceptional achievements and the inspiration they provide to aspiring individuals. One such name is Priyadarshini Chatterjee, an extraordinary woman who has not only broken barriers but has also represented India on the global stage. In 2016, she made history by becoming the first northeast Indian to represent India at the Miss World pageant, where she reached the top 20 and the top 5 in the Beauty with a Purpose sub-contest. Priyadarshini’s journey is nothing short of remarkable, and her story is both inspiring and uplifting.

Early Life and Education

Priyadarshini Chatterjee was born on September 5, 1996, in Dhubri, Assam, into a Bengali family. Her upbringing took place in the vibrant city of Guwahati, Assam, where she completed her schooling at Maria’s Public School. Her childhood was marked by an innate interest in the world of fashion, modeling, and glamour. She demonstrated a passion for these fields from an early age, which would later become the cornerstone of her remarkable career.

To further her education and pursue her dreams, Priyadarshini Chatterjee made the significant decision to move to New Delhi. In the capital city, she enrolled at Hindu College, University of Delhi, where she is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in sociology. This transition to a new city and academic pursuit would be the backdrop for her burgeoning career in the world of modeling.

The Ascent to the World of Modeling

While studying in New Delhi, Priyadarshini Chatterjee took her first steps into the world of modeling as a freelance model. Her striking looks, poise, and charisma quickly made her a sought-after face in the industry. She graced the runway for various renowned designers and brands, leaving an indelible mark with her presence.

Priyadarshini Chatterjee

One of the people who inspired Priyadarshini Chatterjee on her journey was the accomplished model Alesia Raut. With such an influential figure guiding her, she continued to forge her path in the modeling world. Her dedication and hard work would soon lead to even greater achievements.

Triumph at Femina Miss India

In 2016, Priyadarshini Chatterjee participated in the Femina Miss India Delhi pageant. Her exceptional performance and charisma on the stage propelled her to the title of Femina Miss India Delhi. This victory not only marked a significant milestone in her career but also provided her with a direct entry into the prestigious Femina Miss India 2016 competition.

The competition was fierce, featuring 20 other talented contestants. Yet, Priyadarshini Chatterjee’s exceptional qualities set her apart, and she emerged as the winner of Femina Miss India World 2016. Her victory was further highlighted by her impressive performances in the sub-contests, including Miss Rampwalk and Miss Perfect Body (first runner-up). The stage was now set for her to represent India on the global platform of Miss World.

Making History at Miss World 2016

As the official representative of India at the Miss World 2016 pageant, Priyadarshini Chatterjee embarked on a remarkable journey. The pageant was held in Washington D.C., USA, and it was here that she would etch her name in the annals of history.

Priyadarshini Chatterjee’s performance at Miss World 2016 was nothing short of exceptional. She captivated the judges and the global audience with her beauty, intelligence, and talent. Her journey through the pageant was marked by significant accomplishments, including making it to the top 20 semi-finalists. However, it was her exceptional achievement in the Beauty with a Purpose sub-contest that truly left a lasting impact.

In the Beauty with a Purpose segment, Priyadarshini Chatterjee showcased her remarkable project, focusing on menstrual hygiene awareness among rural women in India. Her dedication to this crucial cause earned her a place in the top 5 finalists. Her project not only highlighted her commitment to social issues but also her desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Beyond the Beauty Queen

While Priyadarshini Chatterjee’s journey in the world of beauty pageants and modeling is a testament to her talent and determination, she is more than just a beauty queen. She is a multifaceted individual with a wide array of interests and talents.

Beyond the glitz and glamour of the runway, Priyadarshini Chatterjee is a passionate traveler, trekker, dancer, and reader. Her love for exploration and her desire to experience different cultures have taken her to various corners of the globe. In her quest for a world without borders, she envisions a future with no visa systems, where people can freely explore and connect.

In her personal life, Priyadarshini Chatterjee has two beloved pets, a cat named Tintin and a dog named Pompom. Her ability to connect with animals showcases her compassionate nature and her deep love for all living beings.

Priyadarshini Chatterjee is also multilingual, with fluency in English, Hindi, Assamese, and Bengali. Her ability to communicate in various languages not only reflects her cultural diversity but also her capacity to connect with people from different backgrounds.

A Family of Artists and Achievers

Priyadarshini Chatterjee hails from a family with a rich history of artists and achievers. Her grandfather, Anil Chatterjee, was a well-known figure in Bengali cinema, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of entertainment. Her father, Prabir Kumar Chatterjee, is a businessman, and her mother, Papia Chatterjee, is a dedicated homemaker. In addition, she has a sister named Lucy Chatterjee.

It is evident that Priyadarshini Chatterjee’s family has played a significant role in shaping her values and aspirations. Her heritage is a testament to her deep roots and cultural connections, which she proudly carries with her on the global stage.

Social and Philanthropic Endeavors of Priyadarshini Chatterjee

1. Supporting Education:

Priyadarshini Chatterjee is a strong advocate for education. She actively supports the education of underprivileged children through various non-governmental organizations and initiatives. She has visited schools, interacted with students, and encourages them to pursue their dreams through education.

2. Women Empowerment:

Priyadarshini has been a vocal champion for women’s rights and empowerment. She addresses critical issues such as gender discrimination, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, working to raise awareness and empower women to stand up for their rights and dreams.

4. Humanitarian Work:

Priyadarshini has shown her compassionate side by contributing to humanitarian causes. She has donated blood, clothes, and financial resources to support various initiatives, including relief efforts in response to natural disasters, health crises, and animal welfare.

5. Ambassador for Smile Train:

She serves as an ambassador for Smile Train, an international organization dedicated to providing free cleft lip and palate surgeries to children in need. Her involvement in this noble cause reflects her commitment to improving the lives of less fortunate individuals.

6. Environmental Awareness:

Priyadarshini has lent her support to campaigns and initiatives aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. Her advocacy highlights the importance of preserving the environment for future generations.

7. Global Philanthropy:

While pursuing her modeling career abroad, Priyadarshini continues her philanthropic efforts in various countries. Her commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond national boundaries.

8. Inspiration for Others:

Through her social and charity work, Priyadarshini serves as an inspirational figure for young girls and individuals aspiring to make a difference. She exemplifies the idea that beauty, compassion, and influence can be harnessed to create a better world.


Priyadarshini Chatterjee’s journey is a remarkable tale of determination, talent, and compassion. She has carved a niche for herself in the world of modeling and fashion while using her platform to make a difference in society. Her achievements, accolades, and her role as a global ambassador of India’s diversity exemplify her impact on the world stage.

Priyadarshini Chatterjee is more than a beauty queen; she is a role model, a philanthropist, and an inspiration to countless young individuals who aspire to reach their full potential and effect positive change. Her life story is a testament to the idea that with hard work, dedication, and unwavering determination, one can overcome any obstacle and shine as a bright star on the global stage. She is a true representative of the modern Indian woman, someone who embodies beauty, brains, and heart. Priyadarshini Chatterjee’s journey serves as a beacon of hope and an example of the heights that can be achieved through passion, perseverance, and a commitment to making the world a better place.

Also read about “Anukreethy Vas (Miss World India 2018): A Tale of Beauty, Purpose, and Inspiration“.

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