Tatiana Calmell (Miss Universe Peru 2024): A Rising Star in the World of Beauty and Glamour


In the dazzling world of beauty pageants, where grace meets determination, Tatiana Andrea Calmell del Solar Ortega shines as a beacon of inspiration. Born on July 22, 1995, in Lima, Peru, Tatiana’s journey from a young girl with dreams to the reigning Miss Peru 2024 is nothing short of remarkable. Let’s delve into her captivating story.

Early Life

Tatiana Calmell, also known as Tatiana Andrea Calmell del Solar Ortega, was born in Lima, Peru, on July 22, 1995. She started her path in the glamorous world at a young age. Raised in the bustling district of San Miguel, Tatiana’s foray into modeling began when she was just 14 years old. Her natural charm and charisma were evident as she started gracing various television commercials, marking the beginning of a promising career. Her early exposure to the limelight helped her develop a unique blend of confidence and humility, traits that would later become her trademark.

Education and Personal Development

Tatiana Calmell’s education played a crucial role in shaping her into the woman she is today. While details about her educational background are not widely available, it is evident that her learning journey equipped her with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the challenging world of pageantry and beyond.

In addition to her formal education, Tatiana honed her skills and talents through various experiences. She ventured into acting, participating in television and film productions such as “Princesas” by ProTv and “Bienvenidos al Paraíso,” a film shot in the Dominican Republic. These experiences not only helped her develop her acting skills but also provided her with a platform to express her creativity and connect with a wider audience.

The Modeling Years

Tatiana Calmell’s high school years were not just about academics. She participated in the prestigious Elite Model Look competition, sharing the stage with notable personalities like Janick Maceta and Alondra García-Miró. Her passion for modeling was palpable, and her talent undeniable. She was a natural in front of the camera, her poise and grace captivating everyone who watched her.

At the age of 18, Tatiana showcased her modeling prowess in the reality show “Peru’s Next Top Model.” She took on various challenges, each time proving her mettle. However, her journey on the show was cut short due to an unfortunate incident. During a photoshoot, she voiced her discomfort over the inappropriate behavior of a fellow model, which affected her performance and led to her elimination. But this incident did not deter her. Instead, it fueled her determination to succeed in her modeling career. She used this setback as a stepping stone, vowing to uphold her values and integrity in the industry.

The Acting Stint

In 2019, Tatiana Calmell ventured into acting, making her debut in the popular telenovela “Princesas” aired on América Televisión. She played the role of Cinderella, a character that resonated with the audience and significantly boosted her popularity. Her portrayal of Cinderella was lauded for its authenticity and depth, showcasing her versatility as an actress. This role marked a significant milestone in her career, opening new avenues for her in the world of acting.

Journey to Pageantry

Tatiana Calmell’s journey to the world of pageantry was marked by determination and hard work. At the age of 27, she decided to compete in Miss Peru 2022, after many years of being acclaimed to enter the ranks of the Jessica Newton contest. Her decision was met with widespread support, with many recognizing her potential to shine on the global stage.

Her hard work paid off when she became the 2nd finalist in Miss International 2022. This achievement not only marked a significant milestone in her journey but also cemented her status as a promising figure in the world of pageantry.

Miss Peru 2024

Tatiana Calmell’s journey took a glamorous turn in 2024 when she won the coveted title of Miss Peru. The event, held at the iconic Plaza Grau del Callao, saw more than 30 candidates from across the country vying for the title. Tatiana stood out, not just for her stunning looks and poise, but also for her ability to connect with the jury and the audience. Her eloquent answers and charismatic presence left a lasting impression on everyone.

In the final round, she faced stiff competition from Luren Márquez, Miss Peru USA, and Vanessa Medina, Miss Peru Loreto. Despite the intense competition, Tatiana emerged victorious, earning the right to represent Peru in Miss Universe 2024, scheduled to be held in November in Mexico. This victory was a testament to her hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

Personal Life

Tatiana Calmell is not just a model and actress; she is also an influencer and activist. After completing high school, she pursued a degree in Communication Sciences at the Universidad San Martín de Porres. Her influence extends beyond the world of beauty and glamour, making her a role model for many young women. She uses her platform to raise awareness about various social issues, demonstrating her commitment to making a positive impact on society.

Tatiana Calmell del Solar: A Beacon of Compassion and Advocacy

Tatiana Calmell del Solar, a name that resonates with grace, talent, and unwavering commitment to social causes. Beyond her fame as a Peruvian actress and beauty queen, Tatiana has dedicated herself to making a difference in the lives of others. Let’s explore her remarkable journey and the impact she has had through her advocacy work.

1. Children’s Well-Being

Books for Yutupis: A Literary Gift

In the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies Yutupis, a remote village where access to education is a challenge. Tatiana Calmell stepped in to change that narrative. She participated in a project that donated over 2000 books to children in Yutupis through the María Reina de la Esperanza school. These books not only opened doors to knowledge but also ignited young minds with curiosity and hope.

Global Outreach: The Lollipop Theater Network

Tatiana Calmell’s compassion knows no borders. She collaborated with The Lollipop Theater Network, an organization that brings the magic of cinema to children who are unable to leave hospitals due to chronic illnesses. Through movie screenings, she uplifted spirits and provided moments of joy to young patients, proving that kindness transcends geographical boundaries.

2. Gender Equality and Empowerment

Championing Equal Division of Labor

As a feminist, Tatiana Calmell advocates for gender equality. She believes that parenting responsibilities should be shared equally between partners, especially after childbirth. Her advocacy extends beyond rhetoric; she actively promotes policies that support work-life balance for both men and women. By challenging stereotypes, Tatiana inspires others to create a more equitable society.

Empowering Girls: The Girl Effect

Tatiana Calmell’s involvement with “The Girl Effect” program underscores her commitment to empowering girls globally. In Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, she supports initiatives that provide education, skills, and mentorship to young girls. By investing in their potential, she ensures that they transition from school to the workforce with confidence and resilience.

3. LGBTQ+ Rights

Speaking Up at The Human Rights Campaign Gala

Tatiana Calmell’s advocacy extends to LGBTQ+ rights. She delivered a powerful speech at The Human Rights Campaign gala, emphasizing the importance of political participation and visibility for LGBTQ+ communities. Her unwavering support amplifies voices that need to be heard, fostering acceptance and understanding.

4. First Amendment Rights and Education

The Creative Coalition: Art, Advocacy, and Education

Tatiana Calmell collaborates with The Creative Coalition, a nonprofit group that champions First Amendment rights and public education through the arts. By leveraging creativity, she advocates for freedom of expression and the vital role of arts education in shaping informed citizens. Her multifaceted approach demonstrates that advocacy knows no boundaries and that one person can make a significant impact.


Tatiana Calmell’s journey is a testament to her resilience and determination. From her early days in modeling to her crowning moment as Miss Peru 2024, she has shown that she is a force to be reckoned with. As she prepares to represent her country on the global stage, we can only expect great things from this rising star. Her story is an inspiration, reminding us that with passion and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our dreams.

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