Sonal Kukreja (Miss Supranational India 2024): Beauty, Brains, and Business – A Journey of Inspiration

Introduction of Sonal Kukreja

In a world that often compartmentalizes beauty, intelligence, and entrepreneurship as separate entities, Sonal Kukreja emerges as a shining example of someone who seamlessly weaves these qualities into her life’s tapestry. A name that’s been making waves in the world of beauty and entrepreneurship, Sonal Kukreja is not just a pretty face; she’s the co-founder of Unicas, a crypto-financial company. This blog delves into her journey, from being a student to a model, to finally becoming a visionary businesswoman. We will explore her achievements, her passions, and her aspirations, and understand what makes her such an inspiring figure.

The Early Years

Sonal Kukreja was born on 14th October 1997, in the vibrant city of Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Her early education was completed at the prestigious Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls’ School in Jaipur, which has a long history of nurturing accomplished and empowered women. Little did anyone know that this young girl from Jaipur would go on to conquer diverse fields with her dedication and zeal.

After completing her schooling, Sonal Kukreja embarked on an academic journey that would lay the foundation for her future endeavors. She decided to pursue her higher education in the United States, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising from Pennsylvania State University in 2019. Her time abroad wasn’t just about academics; it was a period when her dreams began to take shape, setting the stage for her remarkable journey.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Sonal Kukreja has always been passionate about entrepreneurship, even during her early college days. She kickstarted her career as a communications intern at the International Code Council in Washington D.C. in 2018. Here, she worked towards promoting building safety and sustainability – a noble cause in its own right. Her stint as a communications intern provided her with valuable insights into the world of marketing and communications.

In the same year, she became a representative for the National Millennial Community in New York City. This role gave her a platform to discuss critical issues such as education, diversity, and innovation with leaders from various sectors. These experiences were instrumental in shaping her perspective and instilled in her a sense of responsibility to make a positive impact.

In 2019, Sonal Kukreja took her first step into the world of business, becoming the director of marketing and sales at ‘The Zone,’ a family entertainment center in Virginia. Her time at ‘The Zone’ allowed her to develop her marketing and business acumen, a foundation that she would later leverage for her groundbreaking venture.

Sonal Kukreja

Crypto-Financial Revolution

Sonal Kukreja’s entrepreneurial spirit found its ultimate expression in the world of cryptocurrency. In 2020, she co-founded Unicas, a revolutionary crypto-financial company. Unicas is dedicated to providing banking services for both fiat and digital assets. In an age where digital currencies are redefining the financial landscape, Unicas is at the forefront, offering services that are not only forward-thinking but also inclusive and accessible to everyone.

Sonal Kukreja holds a significant role at Unicas as the Vice President of Marketing and Partnerships. In this capacity, she’s responsible for creating brand awareness and establishing strategic alliances for the company. Her vision is to make cryptocurrency the future of finance, ensuring that it reaches every corner of society, thereby making the world of finance more democratic and inclusive.

Sonal Kukreja

A Visionary Entrepreneur

Sonal Kukreja’s role as the co-founder of Unicas and her position as Vice President of Marketing and Partnerships at the company reflect her belief in the power of cryptocurrency and the potential it holds for financial inclusion. She’s not just a beauty queen; she’s a visionary entrepreneur who aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the future of digital assets. Sonal is committed to making cryptocurrency accessible to all, ensuring that everyone has a stake in the financial evolution that is sweeping the world.

The Beauty Queen

While her entrepreneurial journey was on the ascent, Sonal Kukreja didn’t limit herself to just one arena. In 2021, she decided to make a triumphant return to India, with the dream of representing her country on an international platform. Her chosen path to this dream was through the world of beauty pageants.

She auditioned for the prestigious Miss Diva 2021 pageant, where her charm, intelligence, and confidence left a lasting impression on the judges. She was crowned as the first runner-up, an impressive feat in itself, given the fierce competition. The winner of Miss Diva 2021, Harnaaz Sandhu, would later go on to win the coveted Miss Universe 2021 title. In addition to her first runner-up title, Sonal Kukreja also clinched the sub-titles of Miss Active and Miss Congeniality.

Sonal Kukreja’s journey in the world of beauty pageants didn’t stop there. She continued to work hard, determined to make her mark on the global stage. In 2023, she competed in the Miss Diva 2023 pageant, where her relentless efforts culminated in her being crowned as Miss Supranational India 2024. The prestigious crown was awarded to her at a grand finale held in Mumbai on 28th August 2023, with Pragnya Ayyagari, the previous year’s winner, doing the honors.

Sonal Kukreja’s success in beauty pageants is a testament to her grace, intelligence, and her unwavering commitment to her dreams. Beyond her Miss Supranational title, she also achieved recognition as one of the top 5 contestants for the Miss Photogenic sub-title at the Miss Diva 2023 pageant.

A Multifaceted Persona

Sonal Kukreja’s journey is marked by versatility and passion that extends beyond business and beauty pageants. She’s a woman of many talents and hobbies that reflect the depth and breadth of her character.

Her love for traveling takes her to various parts of the world, allowing her to explore diverse cultures and experiences. Dancing is another of her passions, reflecting her zest for life and her ability to express herself through movement. She’s an avid reader and finds inspiration in self-help books, with ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne being a pivotal work that transformed her life at the age of 15.

One of her more relatable hobbies is her love for carpool karaoke. While she’s an accomplished professional and beauty queen, her willingness to sing along to her favorite songs while driving speaks to her down-to-earth nature. She admires actors like Ranbir Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan, and dreams of sharing the screen with Ranveer Singh if she ever makes her Bollywood debut. Her ultimate goal is to be featured on the cover of Forbes magazine, a testament to her aspirations and belief in the power of hard work and ambition.

A Champion of Causes

Sonal Kukreja’s journey isn’t just about personal success. She’s a woman with a social conscience and a heart that beats for change. Her commitment to social causes is reflected in her advocacy for women’s empowerment, mental health awareness, and environmental conservation.

From her college days, she has been actively involved in various social and charity work. As a representative for the National Millennial Community, she engaged in conversations on critical issues like education, diversity, and innovation. Her role as a communications intern at the International Code Council allowed her to contribute to building safety and sustainability.

As the co-founder of Unicas, Sonal is on a mission to provide banking services to the unbanked population, a segment of society that often remains underserved by traditional financial institutions. She believes in the power of cryptocurrency to empower individuals and create financial inclusion, particularly in regions where access to traditional banking is limited.

Sonal Kukreja’s advocacy for women’s empowerment extends beyond her role in business. She has been a part of the Artemis Women Empowerment Program, where she mentored young girls and women, helping them develop self-confidence, leadership skills, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Her involvement in these programs showcases her dedication to uplifting others and using her platform for a positive impact.

In her pursuit of making a difference, she has also supported the Smile Foundation, an organization that provides education and healthcare to underprivileged children in India. Her involvement in this noble cause reflects her commitment to addressing societal issues and contributing to the welfare of the less fortunate.

A Message of Inspiration

Sonal Kukreja lives by the motto, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” She firmly believes that each individual possesses the potential to make a positive impact, and she’s committed to inspiring others through her actions. As Miss Diva Supranational 2023, she aspires to use her platform to spread her message to a wider audience. She wants to be a voice for the unheard, a hope for the hopeless, and a light for those in darkness.

A Role Model for Aspiring Dreamers

Sonal Kukreja’s life journey is nothing short of inspirational. She’s a true example of beauty with brains, grace with grit, and glamour with guts. Her dedication to diverse fields, from entrepreneurship to beauty pageants, showcases her multifaceted nature. Her commitment to social causes and her vision for a more inclusive financial world further solidify her status as a role model for many young individuals who aspire to achieve their dreams while also giving back to society.

As she prepares to represent India at the Miss Supranational 2024 pageant in Poland, Sonal’s journey continues to be a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. She’s poised to take on the world with her charisma and confidence, and we wish her all the best in her upcoming endeavors.

Sonal Kukreja is not just a beauty queen; she’s a social entrepreneur, an advocate for various causes, and a source of inspiration for all. Her story is a testament to the fact that one can be beautiful, intelligent, and successful in business, all while giving back to society. She represents the future, and her journey reminds us that with determination and a heart for change, we can all achieve our dreams.

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