Miss International 2023: Promoting Peace and Beauty


The Miss International Beauty Pageant, founded in 1960, is one of the oldest and most prestigious international beauty contests in the world. With a mission to promote “the realization of world peace through mutual understanding” and “correct understanding of Japan in the international community,” the pageant has transcended traditional beauty competitions.

In its 61st edition (Miss International 2023), held on October 26, 2023, at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, it showcased the incredible diversity and accomplishments of 70 delegates from different countries and territories. The event was hosted by Japanese actor Tetsuya Bessho and Hong Kong model Rachel Chan, featuring performances by Japanese comedian Harami-chan and DJ Daishi Dance. Let’s dive into the details of this memorable night.

The Delegates and Their Impactful Messages

The Miss International pageant is not just about physical beauty; it is a platform for empowering women to make a difference in the world. The delegates showcased their beauty, talents, and powerful messages on topics such as women empowerment, environmental issues, social causes, and personal stories.

The audience and judges were captivated by the impressive quality and diversity of the contestants. Each delegate brought her unique perspective and passion to the stage, emphasizing the importance of women’s roles in today’s global society.

Andrea Rubio’s Inspiring Win

The highlight of the night was the crowning of Andrea Rubio from Venezuela as Miss International 2023. A 23-year-old model and social worker, Rubio advocates for children’s rights and education. In her coronation speech, she expressed her vision of using her title to promote peace, tolerance, and respect among different cultures.

“I believe that Miss International is a woman who is not only beautiful on the outside, but also on the inside. She is a woman who has a purpose, who has a vision, who has a mission. She is a woman who can inspire others to be better versions of themselves. She is a woman who can make a difference in the world. And that is why I am here today because I want to be that woman. I want to be Miss International,” Rubio passionately declared.

Rubio’s win signifies the international pageant’s commitment to celebrating women who use their beauty and platform to create a positive impact on society. It also marked Venezuela’s ninth victory at Miss International 2023, making it the most successful country in the pageant’s history.

The Top Runners-up of Miss International 2023

The first runner-up was Sofía Osío of Colombia, a 22-year-old journalist and environmentalist campaigning for sustainable development and climate action. The second runner-up, Camila Díaz of Peru, a 21-year-old student and entrepreneur, promotes entrepreneurship and innovation among young people. The third runner-up, Nicole Borromeo of the Philippines, a 20-year-old law student and singer, supports mental health awareness and suicide prevention. The fourth runner-up was Vanessa Hayes of Bolivia, a 19-year-old model and dancer, advocating for cultural diversity and inclusion.

All these remarkable women demonstrated that they are not just beautiful faces but powerful advocates for change and made remarkable position at Miss International 2023.

The Special Awards at Miss International 2023

In addition to the winners, special awards were given to delegates who excelled in various aspects of the competition. Teresa Sara of Angola received the award for Best National Costume, Georgia Waddington of New Zealand was recognized as Miss Photogenic, Farhana Nariswari of Indonesia earned the title of Best in Evening Gown, and Charlotte Muziri of Zimbabwe was crowned Miss Fitness.

These special awards celebrated not only physical beauty but also cultural diversity, talent, and charisma.

Continental Queens

The pageant recognized and celebrated the diversity of cultures around the world by designating continental queens. Mercy Jane Adorkor Pappoe of Ghana was crowned Miss International Africa, Kenyatta Beazer of the USA as Miss International America, Emily Yau of Macau as Miss International Asia Pacific, Alisha Cowie of the United Kingdom as Miss International Europe, and Solange Dekker of the Netherlands as Miss International Oceania.

These continental queens represent the global reach and impact of the Miss International pageant.

The Miss International Experience

The Miss International Beauty Pageant is more than just a one-night event. It is an experience that encompasses a wide range of prizes and rewards for the winner. Andrea Rubio, as Miss International 2023, was not only bestowed with the honor of being an ambassador of peace and goodwill but also received various prizes and rewards from the organizers and sponsors of the pageant:

1. Cash Prize:

A cash prize of $20,000 USD, a standard amount given to Miss International winners since 2014.

2. Custom-made Crown:

A custom-made crown designed by Mikimoto, a renowned Japanese pearl company. This platinum crown, adorned with pearls, diamonds, sapphires, and rubies, is valued at $300,000 USD.

3. Scholarship:

A one-year scholarship at the International College of Beauty in Tokyo, Japan. This prestigious institution offers courses related to beauty, wellness, and fashion, covering tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses.

4. Contract with IBC Japan:

A one-year contract with IBC Japan, a leading media company, includes appearances, endorsements, and promotions for IBC Japan’s platforms and partners.

5. Luxury Apartment:

A one-year lease of a fully furnished luxury apartment in Tokyo, Japan, serving as the official residence during her reign.

6. Sponsorships:

A one-year supply of various products and services from the pageant’s sponsors, including cosmetics, skincare, haircare, fashion, accessories, travel, health, and fitness.

These prizes and rewards signify the international recognition and support received by the winner as she embarks on her journey to promote peace and understanding among nations.

Andrea Rubio’s Mission as Miss International 2023

Andrea Rubio, the newly crowned Miss International 2023, expressed her gratitude and her commitment to fulfilling her mission and said that she is very happy and honored to be the new Miss International 2023. She thanked everyone who supported her and believed in her. She added that she will do her best to represent Venezuela and all the women in the world who have dreams and aspirations. Andrea said that she will also work hard to spread the message of love and harmony that this pageant stands for.


The 61st edition of the Miss International Beauty Pageant was a breathtaking celebration of beauty, diversity, and purpose. The contestants, beyond their physical beauty, demonstrated their commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Andrea Rubio’s crowning as Miss International 2023 marked a continuation of the pageant’s mission to promote peace and understanding among nations. The special awards and continental queens highlighted the global reach and impact of the pageant. With its legacy of promoting love, peace, and beauty, the Miss International Beauty Pageant continues to inspire women to be powerful agents of change.

Also read about “Miss Universe 2023: Celebrating Beauty, Diversity and Empowerment“.

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